Package 'zscorer'

Title: Child Anthropometry z-Score Calculator
Description: A tool for calculating z-scores and centiles for weight-for-age, length/height-for-age, weight-for-length/height, BMI-for-age, head circumference-for-age, age circumference-for-age, subscapular skinfold-for-age, triceps skinfold-for-age based on the WHO Child Growth Standards.
Authors: Mark Myatt [aut, cph] , Ernest Guevarra [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ernest Guevarra <[email protected]>
License: AGPL-3
Built: 2025-03-03 05:34:43 UTC

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Anthropometric data from a SMART survey in Kabul, Afghanistan.


Anthropometric data from a SMART survey in Kabul, Afghanistan.




A data frame with 873 observations and 11 variables

Variable Description
psu Primary sampling unit
age Age of child (months)
sex Gender of child
weight Weight of child (kgs)
height Height of child (cm)
muac Mid-upper arm circumference (mm)
oedema Presence or absence of oedema
haz Height-for-age z-score
waz Weight-for-age z-score
whz Weight-for-height z-score
flag Data quality flag



Anthropometric data from a single state from a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of a West African country.


Anthropometric data from a single state from a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of a West African country.




A data frame with 796 observations and 6 variables

Variable Definition
psu Primary sampling unit
age Age (months)
sex Gender
wt Weight (kg)
ht Height (cm)
oedema Presence or absence of oedema



Anthropometric data from a Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) survey from Burundi.


Anthropometric data from a Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) survey from Burundi.




A data frame with 221 observations and 7 variables

Variable Definition
psu Primary sampling unit
age Age (months)
sex Gender
weight Weight (kg)
height Height (cm)
muac Mid-upper arm circumference (cm)
oedema Presence or absence of oedema



A subset of mid-upper arm circumference data from study conducted to create MUAC-for-age z-scores


A subset of mid-upper arm circumference data from study conducted to create MUAC-for-age z-scores




A data.frame with 257 observations and 4 variables

Variable Definition
pk_serial Unique identifier
muac Mid-upper arm circumference in centimetres
agemons Age in months
sex Sex; 1 = Male; 2 = Female


Mramba Lazarus, Ngari Moses, Mwangome Martha, Muchai Lilian, Bauni Evasius, Walker A Sarah et al. A growth reference for mid upper arm circumference for age among school age children and adolescents, and validation for mortality: growth curve construction and longitudinal cohort study BMJ 2017; 358 :j3423



Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a single child data.


Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a single child data.


getAllWGS(data = NULL, sex, weight, height, age, index)



Data frame containing corresponding data on sex, weight, height, and age of children. Default is NULL. If specified, parameters for sex, weight, height and age should be provided as character values of the names of variables in data corresponding to the parameters required.


Either numeric values (1 = male; 2 = female) indicating sex of child (default) or character value (if data is specified) indicating variable name in data containing information on sex of child/children (1 = male; 2 = female).


Either numeric values for weight in kg with at least 1 decimal place (default) or character value (if data is specified) indicating variable name in data containing information on weight of child/children.


Either numeric values for height in cm with at least 1 decimal place (default) or character value (if data is specified) indicating variable name in data containing information on height of child/children.


Either numeric values for age in whole months (default) or character value (if data is specified) indicating variable name in data containing information on age of child/children.


One of "wfh", "hfa", "wfa" (specifies the required index) or "all" to calculate all three indices


Either a single numeric value for z-score of the anthropometric index selected if data is for single child or a data frame of numeric values for z-scores of each anthropometric index if data is for multiple children and more than one anthropometric index selected.

The function fails messily when secondPart is outside of the range given in the WGS reference (i.e. 45 to 120 cm for height and 0 to 60 months for age). It is up to you to check the ranges of your data.

The reference data for W/H assumes supine length is used for children with a standing height below 85cm

Heights should be specified in cm to the nearest mm (i.e. to 1 d.p.)

Ages should be specified in whole months

Weights should be specified in kg to available precision

The function requires reference data wgsData included in this package


# apply getAllWGS to a make believe 52 month old male child with weight of
  # 14.6 kg and height of 98.0 cm
  waz <- getAllWGS(sex = 1,        # 1 = Male / 2 = Female
                   weight = 14.6,  # Weight in kilograms
                   height = 98,    # Height in centimetres
                   age = 52,       # Age in whole months
                   index = "wfa")  # Anthropometric index (weight-for-age)

  haz <- getAllWGS(sex = 1,
                   weight = 14.6,
                   height = 98,    # Height in centimetres
                   age = 52,
                   index = "hfa")  # Anthropometric index (height-for-age)

  whz <- getAllWGS(sex = 1,
                   weight = 14.6,
                   height = 98,
                   age = 52,
                   index = "wfh")  # Anthropometric index (weight-for-height)

  # apply getAllWGS to anthro1 dataset
  waz <- getAllWGS(data = anthro1,
                   sex = "sex",
                   weight = "weight",
                   height = "height",
                   age = "age",
                   index = "wfa")

  haz <- getAllWGS(sex = anthro1$sex,
                   weight = anthro1$weight,
                   height = anthro1$height,
                   age = anthro1$age,
                   index = "hfa")

  all <- getAllWGS(data = anthro1,
                   sex = "sex",
                   weight = "weight",
                   height = "height",
                   age = "age",
                   index = "all")

Calculate CDC Growth Reference z-score for given anthropometric measurement/s.


The first function, getCDC(), is usually called by the addCDC() function but could be used as a stand-alone calculator for getting z-score for a given anthropometric measurement.


getCDC(sex, firstPart, secondPart, thirdPart = NA, index = NA, standing = NA)

  thirdPart = NA,
  index = NA,
  standing = NULL,
  output = paste(index, "z", sep = ""),
  digits = 2



A vector specifying the sex of the subject or a character value for the name of the variable in data specifying the sex of the subject. This must be coded as 1 = male and 2 = female. Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "sex".


A vector or a character value for the name of the variable in data specifying:

  • Weight (kg) for BMI/A, W/A, W/H, or W/L

  • Head circumference (cm) for HC/A

  • Height (cm) for BMI/A for H/A

  • Length (cm) for L/A

If name of variable in data, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "weight". Be careful with units (weight in kg; height, length, head circumference in cm).


A vector or a character value for the name of variable in data specifying:

  • Age (days) for H/A, HC/A, or L/A

  • Height (cm) BMI/A or W/H

  • Length (cm) for W/L

If name of variable in data, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "age". Be careful with units (age in months; height and length in cm).


A vector or a character value for the name of variable in data specifying age (in months) for BMI/A. If name of variable in data, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "age". Be careful with units (age in months).


The index to be calculated. One of:

Index Definition
bfa BMI for age
hca Head circumference for age
hfa Height for age
lfa Length for age
wfa Weight for age
wfh Weight for height
wfl Weight for length

Give a quoted index name as in (e.g.) "wfh".


A vector or a character value for name of variable in data specifying how stature was measured. If NULL then age (for "hfa" or "lfa") or height rules (for "wfh" or "wfl") will be applied. This must be coded as 1 = Standing; 2 = Supine; 3 = Unknown. All other values will be recoded to 3 = Unknown. If name of variable in data, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "measured" or a single value (e.g. ⁠"measured = 1⁠). If no value (or NULL) is specified then age rules will be applied.


A survey dataset as a data.frame object


The name of the column containing the specified index to be added to the dataset. This is an optional parameter. If you do not specify a value for output then the added column will take the name of the specified index with a "z" appended.


The number of decimal places for output. Defaults to 2 d.p.


addCDC() adds the CDC Growth Reference z-scores to a data frame of anthropometric data for weight, height or length, head circumference, and body mass index (BMI)


A data.frame of the survey dataset with the calculated z-scores added.


# Given a male child 10 months old with a weight of 5.7 kgs, height of 64.2
# cms, and MUAC of 125 mm:
# Calculate weight-for-height
getCDC(sex = 1,
       firstPart = 5.7,
       secondPart = 64.2,
       index = "wfh",
       standing = 3)

# calculate weight-for-age
getCDC(sex = 1,
       firstPart = 5.7,
       secondPart = 10,
       index = "wfa",
       standing = 3)

# calculate height-for-age
getCDC(sex = 1,
       firstPart = 64.2,
       secondPart = 10,
       index = "hfa",
       standing = 3)

# Calculate weight-for-height (wfh) for the anthro3 dataset
addCDC(data = anthro3,
       sex = "sex",
       firstPart = "weight",
       secondPart = "height",
       index = "wfh")

# Calculate weight-for-age (wfa) for the anthro3 dataset
addCDC(data = anthro3,
       sex = "sex",
       firstPart = "weight",
       secondPart = "age",
       index = "wfa")

# Calculate height-for-age (hfa) for the anthro3 dataset
addCDC(data = anthro3,
       sex = "sex",
       firstPart = "height",
       secondPart = "age",
       index = "hfa")

Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a cohort or sample of children.


Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a cohort or sample of children.


getCohortWGS(data, sexObserved, firstPart, secondPart, index)



Data frame containing the variables needed for calculation


Sex of child (1 = Male; 2 = Female)


Weight (kg; for WHZ and WAZ) or height (cm; for HAZ)


Age (months; for HAZ and WAZ) or height (cm; for WHZ)


One of "wfh", "hfa", "wfa" (specifies the required index)


Numeric vector of z-scores of the anthropometric index selected

The function fails messily when secondPart is outside of the range given in the WGS reference (i.e. 45 to 120 cm for height and 0 to 60 months for age). It is up to you to check the ranges of your data.

The reference data for W/H assumes supine length is used for children with a standing height below 85cm

Heights should be specified in cm to the nearest mm (i.e. to 1 d.p.)

Ages should be specified in whole months

Weights should be specified in kg to available precision

The function requires reference data wgsData included in this package


# apply getWGS to first child in sample data anthro1
  wazAll <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1,
                         sexObserved = "sex",
                         firstPart = "weight",
                         secondPart = "age",
                         index = "wfa")

  hazAll <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1,
                         sexObserved = "sex",
                         firstPart = "height",
                         secondPart = "age",
                         index = "hfa")

  whzAll <- getCohortWGS(data = anthro1,
                         sexObserved = "sex",
                         firstPart = "weight",
                         secondPart = "height",
                         index = "wfh")

Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a single child data.


Calculate z-scores for WHZ, HAZ, WAZ using the WHO Growth Reference (2006) for a single child data.


getWGS(sexObserved, firstPart, secondPart, index)



Sex of child (1 = Male; 2 = Female)


Weight (in kg for WHZ and WAZ) or height (in cm for HAZ)


Age (in months for HAZ and WAZ) or height (in cm for WHZ)


One of "wfh", "hfa", "wfa" (specifies the required index)


z-score of the anthropometric index selected


The function fails messily when secondPart is outside of the range given in the WGS reference (i.e. 45 to 120 cm for height and 0 to 60 months for age). It is up to you to check the ranges of your data.


The reference data for W/H assumes supine length is used for children with a standing height below 85cm

Heights should be specified in cm to the nearest mm (i.e. to 1 d.p.)

Ages should be specified in whole months

Weights should be specified in kg to available precision

The function requires reference data wgsData included in this package


This is a legacy function from the first CRAN release of zscorer which focused mainly on the calculation of z-scores for weight-for-age, weight-for-height and height-for-age. This function has been kept in the package to ensure that existing analysis workflows implemented using the function continue to work.


# apply \code{getWGS()} to a make believe 52 month old male child with
  # weight of 14.6 kg and height of 98.0 cm
  waz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1,     # 1 = Male / 2 = Female
                firstPart = 14.6,    # Weight in kilograms
                secondPart = 52,     # Age in whole months
                index = "wfa")       # Anthropometric index (weight-for-age)

  haz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1,
                firstPart = 98,      # Height in centimetres
                secondPart = 52,
                index = "hfa")       # Anthropometric index (height-for-age)

  whz <- getWGS(sexObserved = 1,
                firstPart = 14.6,
                secondPart = 98,
                index = "wfh")       # Anthropometric index (weight-for-height)

Calculate WHO Growth Reference z-score for given anthropometric measurement/s.


The first function, getWGSR(), is usually called by the addWGSR() function but could be used as a stand-alone calculator for getting z-score for a given anthropometric measurement.


getWGSR(sex, firstPart, secondPart, thirdPart = NA, index = NA, standing = NA)

  thirdPart = NA,
  index = NA,
  standing = NULL,
  output = paste(index, "z", sep = ""),
  digits = 2



Name of variable specifying the sex of the subject. This must be coded as 1 = male and 2 = female. Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "sex".


Name of variable specifying:

  • Weight (kg) for BMI/A, W/A, W/H, or W/L

  • Head circumference (cm) for HC/A

  • Height (cm) for BMI/A for H/A

  • Length (cm) for L/A

  • MUAC (cm) for MUAC/A

  • Sub-scapular skinfold (mm) for SSF/A

  • Triceps skinfold (mm) for TSF/A

Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "weight". Be careful with units (weight in kg; height, length, head circumference, and MUAC in cm, skinfolds in mm).


Name of variable specifying:

  • Age (days) for H/A, HC/A, L/A, MUAC/A, SSF/A, or TSF/A

  • Height (cm) BMI/A or W/H

  • Length (cm) for W/L

Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "age". Be careful with units (age in days; height and length in cm).


Name of variable specifying age (in days) for BMI/A. Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "age". Be careful with units (age in days).


The index to be calculated and added to data. One of:

Index Definition
bfa BMI for age
hca Head circumference for age
hfa Height for age
lfa Length for age
mfa MUAC for age
ssa Sub-scapular skinfold for age
tsa Triceps skinfold for age
wfa Weight for age
wfh Weight for height
wfl Weight for length

Give a quoted index name as in (e.g.) "wfh".


Variable specifying how stature was measured. If NULL then age (for "hfa" or "lfa") or height rules (for "wfh" or "wfl") will be applied. This must be coded as 1 = Standing; 2 = Supine; 3 = Unknown. All other values will be recoded to 3 = Unknown. Give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) "measured" or a single value (e.g. ⁠"measured = 1⁠). If no value (or NULL) is specified then height and age rules will be applied.


A survey dataset as a data.frame object


The name of the column containing the specified index to be added to the dataset. This is an optional parameter. If you do not specify a value for output then the added column will take the name of the specified index with a "z" appended.


The number of decimal places for output. Defaults to 2 d.p.


addWGSR() adds the WHO Growth Reference z-scores to a data frame of anthropometric data for weight, height or length, MUAC, head circumference, sub-scapular skinfold, triceps skinfold, and body mass index (BMI).


A data.frame of the survey dataset with the calculated z-scores added.


# Given a male child 10 months old with a weight of 5.7 kgs, height of 64.2
# cms, and MUAC of 125 mm:
# Calculate weight-for-height
getWGSR(sex = 1,
        firstPart = 5.7,
        secondPart = 64.2,
        index = "wfh",
        standing = 3)

# calculate weight-for-age
getWGSR(sex = 1,
        firstPart = 5.7,
        secondPart = 10,
        index = "wfa",
        standing = 3)

# calculate height-for-age
getWGSR(sex = 1,
        firstPart = 64.2,
        secondPart = 10,
        index = "hfa",
        standing = 3)

# Calculate MUAC-for-age z-score for a girl
getWGSR(sex = 1,
        firstPart = 20,
        secondPart = 62 * (365.25 / 12),
        index = "mfa")

# Calculate weight-for-height (wfh) for the anthro3 dataset
addWGSR(data = anthro3,
        sex = "sex",
        firstPart = "weight",
        secondPart = "height",
        index = "wfh")

# Calculate weight-for-age (wfa) for the anthro3 dataset
addWGSR(data = anthro3,
        sex = "sex",
        firstPart = "weight",
        secondPart = "age",
        index = "wfa")

# Calculate height-for-age (hfa) for the anthro3 dataset
addWGSR(data = anthro3,
        sex = "sex",
        firstPart = "height",
        secondPart = "age",
        index = "hfa")

# Calculate MUAC-for-age (mfa) for the anthro4 dataset

## Convert age in anthro4 from months to days
testData <- anthro4
testData$age <- testData$agemons * (365.25 / 12)

addWGSR(data = testData,
        sex = "sex",
        firstPart = "muac",
        secondPart = "age",
        index = "mfa")

A subset of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey


A subset of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey




A data.frame with 339 observations and 10 variables

Variable Definition
cid Unique child identifier
sex Sex of child. 1 = male; 2 = female
agemos Age in months
weight Weight in kilograms
height Height in centimetres
headcir Head circumference in centimetres
waz Weight-for-age z-score
bmiz BMI-for-age z-score



Initialise built-in Shiny application


Initialise built-in Shiny application




if(interactive()) run_zscorer()

World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Reference (2006) data


World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Reference (2006) data




A data frame with 6 columns and 2338 rows.

Variable Description
indicator One of weight-for-age (waz), height-for-age (haz), or weight-for-height (whz) anthropometric indicators
sex Sex of child (1 = Male; 2 = Female)
given Variable to which standardisation is to be made. For waz and haz, given is age in months. For whz, given is height in cm
l L component of the LMS method for normalising growth centile standards. L is the trend in the optimal power to obtain normality
m M component of the LMS method for normalising growth centile standards. M is the trend in the mean
s S component of the LMS method for normalising growth centile standards. S is the trend in the coefficient of variation


World Health Organization. WHO Child Growth Standards: Length/Height-for-age, Weight-for-age, Weight-for-length, Weight-for-height, and Body Mass Index-for age: Methods and Development. 1st ed. World Health Organization; 2006.



Deprecated functions in zscorer


These functions still work but will be removed (defunct) in the next version.
