Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage

In the recent past, measurement of coverage has been mainly through two-stage cluster sampled surveys either as part of a nutrition assessment or through a specific coverage survey known as Centric Systematic Area Sampling (CSAS). However, such methods are resource intensive and often only used for final programme evaluation meaning results arrive too late for programme adaptation. SQUEAC, which stands for Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage, is a low resource method designed specifically to address this limitation and is used regularly for monitoring, planning and importantly, timely improvement to programme quality, both for agency and Ministry of Health (MoH) led programmes. This package provides functions for use in conducting a SQUEAC investigation.

What does squeacr do?

The {squeacr} package provides functions that facilitate the processing, analysis and reporting of various components of a SQUEAC investigation. The current version of the {squeacr} package currently provides the following:

  • Functions to calculate CMAM programme performance metrics;

  • Functions to calculate CMAM programme length of stay metrics; and,

  • Functions to calculate CMAM coverage estimates.


The {squeacr} package is not yet available on CRAN but can be installed from the nutriverse R Universe as follows:

  repos = c('', '')


Calculating CMAM programme performance metrics

Cure rate, defaulter rate, death rate, and non-response rate are the programme indicators used to monitor performance of CMAM. These indicators are calculated from routine programme monitoring data, an example of which is the monitoring dataset included in {squeacr}.

CMAM programme monitoring data for Sudan (showing first 15 rows)
State Locality Beginning Of Month New Admissions Male Female Cured Death Default Non-Responder Total Discharge Rutf Consumed Screening Sites Month Year
Gazera El Qurashi 16 16 8 8 23 0 3 0 26 80 49 NA Jan 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 56 24 11 13 0 0 0 0 0 -46 298 NA Apr 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 80 41 16 25 22 0 2 0 24 16 225 NA May 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 81 43 21 22 29 0 0 0 29 22 215 NA Jun 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 93 51 31 30 36 2 0 0 38 14 0 NA Jul 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 103 59 34 25 3 0 0 0 3 12 289 NA Aug 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 163 69 34 35 8 0 12 2 22 8 0 NA Sep 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 104 108 56 40 6 0 47 0 53 -40 0 NA Oct 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 275 123 61 62 111 0 81 2 194 32 0 NA Nov 2016
Gazera El Qurashi 204 81 39 40 52 0 8 2 62 52 293 NA Dec 2016
Gazera El Kamlin 8 8 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 NA Jan 2016
Gazera El Kamlin 119 19 11 8 2 0 2 1 5 16 7 NA Mar 2016
Gazera El Kamlin 133 8 5 3 18 0 2 1 21 18 182 NA Apr 2016
Gazera El Kamlin 120 22 15 7 8 0 0 1 9 6 552 NA May 2016
Gazera El Kamlin 134 9 5 4 15 0 13 0 28 15 285 NA Jun 2016

The monitoring dataset is from the National CMAM programme in Sudan showing monthly programme statistics per locality. The dataset has the following fields:

Variable Description
State Name of state
Locality Name of locality
Beginning of Month Cases in programme at beginning of month
New Admissions New cases admitted within the month
Male New male cases admitted within the month
Female New female cases admitted within the month
Cured Number of cured cases within the month
Death Number of cases who died within the month
Default Number of cases who defaulted within the month
Non-Responder Number of non-responder cases within the month
Total Discharge Total number of discharges within the month
RUTF Consumed Number of RUTF consumed
Screening Screening
Sites Sites
Month Month
Year Year

We can calculate the different programme performance indicators using {squeacr}. For this example, we’ll calculate the indicators for each state per year.


monitoring |>
  group_by(State, Year) |>
    total_discharge = sum(`Total Discharge`, na.rm = TRUE),
    cure_rate = calculate_cured(sum(Cured, na.rm = TRUE), total_discharge),
    default_rate = calculate_default(sum(Default, na.rm = TRUE), total_discharge),
    death_rate = calculate_dead(sum(Death, na.rm = TRUE), total_discharge),
    non_response_rate = calculate_no_response(sum(`Non-Responder`, na.rm = TRUE), total_discharge),
    .groups = "drop"

which results in the following:

#> # A tibble: 72 × 7
#>    State          Year  total_discharge cure_rate default_rate death_rate
#>    <chr>          <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Blue Nile      2016             9693     0.889       0.0906    0.0151 
#>  2 Blue Nile      2017            10286     0.948       0.0399    0.00972
#>  3 Blue Nile      2018             8807     0.947       0.0404    0.00863
#>  4 Blue Nile      2019             9882     0.953       0.0366    0.00708
#>  5 Central Darfur 2016            13313     0.921       0.0440    0.0174 
#>  6 Central Darfur 2017            18098     0.935       0.0421    0.00912
#>  7 Central Darfur 2018            17600     0.939       0.0364    0.00955
#>  8 Central Darfur 2019            18573     0.952       0.0260    0.00549
#>  9 East Darfur    2016             9895     0.929       0.0550    0.0104 
#> 10 East Darfur    2017            12611     0.956       0.0327    0.00690
#> # ℹ 62 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: non_response_rate <dbl>

CMAM programme length-of-stay

The length-of-stay in a CMAM programme is an important metric that can provide insight into several aspects of the program’s performance and effectiveness. It is calculated from those discharged cured from outpatient care by counting the number of days between the admission date and the discharge date.

The otp_beneficiaries dataset in the package is an example of a patient record data from which length-of-stay can be calculated using the calculate_los() function:

calculate_los(otp_beneficiaries$admDate, otp_beneficiaries$disDate)

which gives the following results:

#> Warning in calculate_los(otp_beneficiaries$admDate, otp_beneficiaries$disDate):
#> Some admission date/s are not in YYYY-MM-DD format or are not available.
#> Returning NA.
#> Warning in calculate_los(otp_beneficiaries$admDate, otp_beneficiaries$disDate):
#> Some discharge dates are earlier than admisison dates. Returning NA.
#>   [1]  56  42  36  49  42  51  19  75  84  49  90  70  91  20  42  50  14  13
#>  [19]  21  28 107  42  42  77  77  77  31  18  18  11  35  35  14  14  14  14
#>  [37]  28  11  61  73 102  71  71 112  55  71  80  22  22  63  62  44  30  42
#>  [55]  35  35  28  84  28  14  42  34  47  42  45  43  23  42 105 120 105  56
#>  [73] 104  42  79  90  77  28  14  14  77  28  14  54 103  78  79  70  70  98
#>  [91]  78  63  58 125  42  49  44  35  89  86  60  39  41  50  47  46  48  51
#> [109]  50  44  44  46  39  50  54 140  58  84  53  56  21  54  21  28  49  18
#> [127]  56  28  28  21  54  57  29  59  50  39  91 136 127  63  93 155  35 105
#> [145]  42  28  28  35  35  70  35  82  14  17  28 168 147 112  42  35  21  97
#> [163]  35  66  35  28 126  84  70 140  22  63  42  70  94  63  63  98  70  77
#> [181]  77  60  63  63  84  56  49  91  35  42  42  49  70  57  29  64  41  21
#> [199]  93  23  31  28  30  14  21  55  65  28  21  21  88  14  22  21  21  21
#> [217]  35  63  42  28  84  48  14  18  14  14  30  35  81  76  42  28  28  28
#> [235]  56  28  56  42  98  58  35  28  39  34  33  28  49  28  64  28  29  33
#> [253]  80  77  60  42  49  56  55  42  91  98  55  92  98 112  63  63  21  63
#> [271]  63  58  56  63 126  91 119  28  72 111  42  63  91  98  91  84  15  45
#> [289]  NA  29  42  49  42  49  49  14  28  44  35  49  42  84  30  14  14   9
#> [307] 112  56 112  46  28  56  14  70  70  35  28  28  28  48 123  35  14  14
#> [325]  19  14  56  32  35 131  21  47  53  64  64  39  NA  NA  37  32  41   6
#> [343]  42  30  26  44  28  19  15  14  50  35  14  31  28  21   7  26  14  14
#> [361]  28   7   7  19  31  27  20  33  62  28  15  13  28  16  19  30   7  14
#> [379]  36  15   7  43  20 100  64  52  93  34  30  57  NA  56  81  52  95  63
#> [397]  49  54  37  70  84  28  28  66  56

The median length-of-stay in a CMAM programme can be calculated as follows:

calculate_los_median(otp_beneficiaries$admDate, otp_beneficiaries$disDate)

which gives the following results:

#> Warning in calculate_los(admission_date = admission_date, discharge_date =
#> discharge_date): Some admission date/s are not in YYYY-MM-DD format or are not
#> available. Returning NA.
#> Warning in calculate_los(admission_date = admission_date, discharge_date =
#> discharge_date): Some discharge dates are earlier than admisison dates.
#> Returning NA.
#> [1] 43

CMAM programme coverage

The {squeacr} provides functions to calculate programme coverage. These functions implement the single coverage estimator approach1. In this approach, treatment coverage is calculated in such a way that estimates the number of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases that have not been enrolled in the programme but have been recovering without treatment (r_out).

For example, if a coverage survey yielded 5 SAM cases in the programme, 25 cases not in the programme, and 5 recovering cases in the programme, r_out can be calculated as follows:

calculate_rout(cin = 5, cout = 25, rin = 5)
#> [1] 6

Note here that the calculate_rout() function has another argument named k which is a correction factor representing the ratio of the mean length of an untreated episode to the mean length of a CMAM treatment episode. This, by default, is set to k = 3 in the function. However, this should be adjusted based on programme data to estimate the mean length of a SAM treatment episode.

This calculation for r_out is used within calculate_tc() to estimate treatment coverage:

calculate_tc(cin = 5, cout = 25, rin = 5)
#> [1] 0.2439024

  1. Safari Balegamire, Katja Siling, Jose Luis Alvarez Moran, Ernest Guevarra, Sophie Woodhead, Alison Norris, Lionella Fieschi, Paul Binns, and Mark Myatt (2015). A single coverage estimator for use in SQUEAC, SLEAC, and other CMAM coverage assessments. Field Exchange 49, March 2015. p81. <>↩︎