Minimum Diet Related Indicators


This article will mainly demonstrate how the riycf package’s function can apply to calculating minimum diet-related indicators. According to the new WHO 2021 guideline, there are four types of complementary feeding practice indicators related to minimum diet requirements;

  • Minimum Dietary Diversity 6-23 Months (MDD),
  • Minimum Meal Frequency 6-23 Months (MMF),
  • Minimum Milk Feeding Frequency For Non-Breastfed Children 6-23 Months (MMFF) and
  • Minimum Acceptable Diet.

Dataset Set-up

Firstly, load the required libraries for data analysis work. We will use riycf package for the IYCF indicator generation work.


For this guideline demonstration, we will use the sample dataset provided by the CARE Myanmar team on IYCF modules. A detailed description of the variable’s name and variable labels are mentioned in the documentation. Use the following syntax to check for the dataset description.


df <- iycfData
#>   csex calc_age_months child_bf child_eibf child_eibf_hrs
#> 1    1               5        1          0             NA
#> 2    1               4        1          0             NA
#> 3    1               2        1          0             NA
#> 4    1               0        1          0             NA
#> 5    1               2        1          0             NA
#> 6    1               2        1          0             NA

This dataset contains 359 observations and 46 variables, and all variables were organized based on the WHO IYCF sample questionnaire. We tried to mention explicitly matching function inputs parameters and question numbers from the WHO IYCF sample question. If your dataset did not have the same variables as the WHO sample one, please apply the most relevant ones in the respective input parameter.