This is the subset of complementary feeding indicators which are not
related in calculating minimum acceptable diet indicator. There are 5
indicators which fall into this category and we are going to explin how
package can use for calcuation of each single
indicators mentioned below.
Firstly, load the required libraries for data analysis work. We will
use riycf
package for the IYCF indicator generation
For this guideline demonstration, we will use the sample dataset provided by the CARE Myanmar team on IYCF modules. A detailed description of the variable’s name and variable labels are mentioned in the documentation. Use the following syntax to check for the dataset description.
df <- iycfData
#> csex calc_age_months child_bf child_eibf child_eibf_hrs
#> 1 1 5 1 0 NA
#> 2 1 4 1 0 NA
#> 3 1 2 1 0 NA
#> 4 1 0 1 0 NA
#> 5 1 2 1 0 NA
#> 6 1 2 1 0 NA
This dataset contains 359 observations and 46 variables, and all variables were organized based on the WHO IYCF sample questionnaire. We tried to mention explicitly matching function inputs parameters and question numbers from the WHO IYCF sample question. If your dataset did not have the same variables as the WHO sample one, please apply the most relevant ones in the respective input parameter.
The introduction of a semi-solid food indicator accounts for the 6-8
months old children who receive the solid (or semi-solid food) during
the previous day. Here, we don’t use the self-reported variable “number
of meal frequency” feeding in this calculation. Instead, we use the
dietary recall variables from WHO IYCF sample question
Question 7A
to Question 7R
. If the children
received one of the food items from those questions, those children are
considered to have been introduced to solid, semi-solid, or soft food
(ISSF). Use the get_dummy
function to create the dummy
variable for solid food consumption from all solid food diet recall
solid <- list(df$child_rice, df$child_potatoes, df$child_pumpkin, df$child_beans,
df$child_leafyveg, df$child_mango, df$child_fruit, df$child_organ,
df$child_beef, df$child_fish, df$child_insects, df$child_eggs,
df$child_yogurt, df$child_fat, df$child_plam, df$child_sweets,
df$solid_food <- get_dummy(var_list = solid)
Then, use the get_isssf
function to get the number of
children who meet this indicator definition or not.
Another indicator related to complementary feeding is EFF, which
accounts for 6-23 months children get eggs and/or flesh food in the
previous day. We can use get_dummy
to create the dummy
variable to indicate who got those food or not.
According to the WHO guideline, the following questions were considered in the sweet beverage foods category.
Question 7I
: Liver, kidney, heartQuestion 7J
: Sausages, hot dogs, ham, bacon, salami,
canned meatQuestion 7K
: Any other meat, such as beef, pork, lamb,
goat, chicken, duckQuestion 7L
: EggsQuestion 7M
: Fresh fish, dried fish or shellfishegg_meat <- list(df$child_organ, df$child_beef, df$child_fish, df$child_insects, df$child_eggs)
df$egg_meat <- get_dummy(var_list = egg_meat)
Then, using get_eff
to calculate EFF indicator using the
dummy variable created before and the child age variable.
We can use the Sweet Beverage Consumption indicator to identify the
children who get the sweet beverage food from the previous day. Like
other indicators from this complementary feeding indicator, use
to identify the children who get those types of
food, and then calculate the specific indicator “SwB” using
According to the WHO guideline, the following questions were considered in the sweet beverage foods category.
Question 6Cswt
: Milk from animals - sweet or flavored
type milkQuestion 6Dswt
: Yogurt drinks - sweet or flavored type
yogurtQuestion 6E
: Chocolate-flavored drinksQuestion 6F
: Fruit juice or fruit-flavored drinksQuestion 6G
: Sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks or
energy drinksQuestion 6Hswt
: Tea, coffee, or herbal drinks -
sweetenedQuestion 6Jswt
: Other liquids - sweetenedAccording to the definition, this indicator account for the two types
of foods from the diet recall; Question 7P
(sentinel sweet
foods) and Question 7Q
(sentinel fried and salty foods). We
are using the get_dummy
function to create the dummy
variable, which indicates whether the child took food from the previous
day or not. Then, We can use the get_ufc
function to
calculate the indicator.
This indicator calculates for the 6-23 months of children who did not
consume any vegetables or fruits during the previous day. Using the list
of vegetables and fruits questions from the diet recall module
(questions), we can use the get_dummy
function to calculate
the dummy variable. Then, apply that variable to the
to get the number of children who did or did not
consume vegetables or fruits the previous day.
According to the guideline, the fruit and vegetable questions list was recommended as follows. However, if your survey did not have that complete list of questions (variables), apply relevant to the indicator definition.
Questions 7C
: Vitamin A-rich yellow/orange
vegetablesQuestions 7E
: Dark green leafy vegetablesQuestions 7F
: Other vegetablesQuestions 7G
: Vitamin A-rich fruitsQuestions 7H
: Other fruits